Experts Stanford University have developed a new generation of lithium-ion batteries, which allow the use of mobile devices offline to three times longer. Technology have improved thanks to the screens of carbon nanoparticles.

Now batteries are composed of three parts: providing electron transport electrolyte, an anode and a cathode, between which this movement occurs. Provide lithium anode, which will create a more efficient and powerful batteries, is a daunting task. To accomplish this, the researchers used a nanostructured carbon coating, which keeps under control the unstable chemical compound, making it possible to increase the density of the lithium content in the anode. This increases the number of free electrons and prolongs battery life cycle.
As a result, scientists were able to increase the "life" of the battery about 2-3 times, and extend the lifespan of the battery is compared to existing batteries longer it retains the ability to store and release energy.
Prior to commercial use development scientists still take some time. In particular, the Americans will have to work on the miniaturization of batteries so they can be used in smartphones and tablets. In addition, scientists have to make the technology more secure.Other applications updated lithium-ion batteries can become the automotive industry: electric cars miniaturization question is not so important.