Monday, August 25, 2014

5 interesting facts about Apple chief designer Jonathan Quince

This week in Russia there was a first book about the main designer of Apple products Jonathan Quince. Author Cult Of Mac Linder Kani has shown the way of the creative genius of the student of the British School of the Arts before man touched the lives of many of us.Edition Siliconrus made ​​a selection of several interesting facts about the man responsible for the appearance of iconic products "apple" of the company.

About the power of Apple's Quince

"In Apple's just I have more power than John Quince. No one can tell him what to do or say, they say, do not go into other people's business. I have decided. " - Steve Jobs

About friendship and Apple without Jobs

In July 2004, Steve Jobs had surgery to remove a tumor of the pancreas. Recovering from her, he wanted to see the two people. The first person was his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs.Second - Johnny Ive. According to the author, for nearly eight years of daily collaboration Ive and Jobs have become very good friends. They went to the meeting, had lunch together, spent the evening in the studio, doing future projects.
Following the announcement of Jobs' leave in 2009, the press "inflated" theme, that without it the company is doomed. Many ordinary people and experts believe that Apple is held entirely on the charism of the founder of the company.
The book tells the story of how Jobs after surgery in 2009 flew home with his wife on his plane. In the San Jose airport they were met by Ive and Tim Cook. Ive Jobs drove home from the airport and the road has admitted that he is concerned about the opinion of newspaper reporters: "I was very hurt." His care and the health of others, and the company's future. Ive told Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, it is very harmful opinion - though Jobs has been Apple's engine of innovation. "This makes the company vulnerable," - he said.

About the "care" of the Apple

After Jobs left last holiday in 2011, the media actively inflated story that at the end of the three-year contract chief designer is going to leave Apple. Ostensibly Ive and his wife want sons were in the UK. British newspaper The Guardian published an article about it under the headline "Nightmare Apple». The London Sunday Times claimed that Ive "at odds" with the company and is going to move from Cupertino back to the UK, to his home in Somerset.
But Ive got nowhere and, as it turned out, was not going anywhere to go. The British newspaper quoted a friend of the designer's Apple that Ive "too valuable to Apple, and they told him in no uncertain terms, that if he would go to England, he would not be able to maintain its position." The press also reported that Apple paid Joni bonus of $ 30 million and offered shares at the cost of $ 25 million. While personal fortune Quince already rated $ 130 million.

Why Ive not become CEO

August 24, 2011 Steve Jobs resigned as CEO, but remained with the company as chairman of the board of directors. Current management of the company passed to Tim Cook. Experts believed that the director general should take place Ive. Unlike Cook, he was known for a wide range as to appear on all promotional videos and has won many awards. However, few people at Apple saw him as the next CEO.
Ive himself himself to be not considered. "John is not interested in the issues of company management," - says his colleague. The designer is not interested in the business side of operations Apple. "He just wanted to focus on industrial design."
"I wanted to deal exclusively with the design and production. That's what I love. It's great if you can find a favorite thing. But to find it - it's one thing, but to be able to deal with them, and give him all my attention - is quite another. "


About the authorship of ideas

Ive not idealize Jobs and Apple. He complained about the habit Jobs steal his thoughts.
He's looking at my ideas and say, "This is not good. Not really. I like both. " And then I sit in the audience, and he says that he invented everything. I'm manic I watch those where there are ideas, even lead notebook where I write down everything that comes to my mind. I'm hurt when he ascribes to himself my achievements.
Nevertheless, Ive said that without Steve Jobs, he would never have become who he is.
"In too many companies, ideas and great design in the process of disappearing.Ideas that come up with my team and myself, would be lost in vain, if Steve did not push, did not work with us, not to overcome any resistance to realize our ideas. "