Acer has announced a new Chromebook device 13, which is the industry's first "Chromebooks" processor-based NVIDIA Tegra K1. It offers users high graphics performance, 13 hours of battery life, and support for multi-tasking. Size 13 inches means that there is a full-size keyboard, a large trackpad and 1080p-screen. Moreover, the present model is one of the finest "Chromebooks" on the market. Its thickness is only 18 mm.

Features Acer Chromebook 13:
- high energy efficiency Tegra K1 Chromebook provides long-term operation of the battery, and no fan - quiet, silent operation;
- with the advent of new interactive educational sites, the computing resources of the processor Tegra K1 will transform "Chromebooks" into a tool for interactive learning;
- Internet turns into a busy schedule of visual environment largely due to the spread of WebGL; Tegra K1 provides the necessary hardware support for the new visual environment;
- in view of the imminent release of games such as Miss Take and Oort, as well as support for WebGL in the Unreal Engine 4 and 5 Unity, playing future "Chromebooks" looks very attractive.
Acer Chromebook cost is $ 13 279. The device is already available for pre-order on Amazon and BestBuy.