Thursday, August 21, 2014

Amazon Fire Phone sold worse than expected

Just over two months ago, Amazon introduced its first smartphone Fire Phone. Despite the fact that the device has several unique features, such as four front cameras track the position of the user's head to control the smartphone, 3D-interface and technology Amazon Firefly, which allows using camera to recognize books, artwork, phone numbers, QR-codes, etc., sales of smartphones leave much to be desired. Research company Chitika Insights reports that according to the analysis of ten million hits 350,000 different sites, web traffic generated by Amazon Fire Phone, is only 0.02%.
Amazon Fire Phone продаётся хуже ожидаемого

It should be noted that LG G3 achieved 0.06% of web traffic after only 20 days after commencement of sales, which is three times larger than the Amazon Fire Phone two months. For comparison, Samsung Galaxy S4 reached 0.19% in just 11 days of sales.
Perhaps the reason for such low sales Amazon Fire Phone may be that at the moment the phone is available exclusively at the American operator AT & T. Unfortunately, the company Amazon has not provided any data on the sales of its first smartphone.