Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Apple and Samsung have agreed to end patent war outside the U.S.

Apple and Samsung have agreed to end patent war outside the United States. This was reported by the South Korean company. The statement said that this decision does not apply to licensing agreements.

«Samsung Electronics and Apple have agreed to the termination of all patent-related disputes in all countries except the United States," - said in their statement. At the same time, as noted, a truce does not affect patent licensing deal between the two companies and the litigation between competitors will continue.
Both companies since 2011 have accused each other of patent infringement and fed each other proceedings in the courts of different countries, including the U.S., Germany, Japan, South Korea, Australia, seeking a ban of sales of a competitor in order interim measure.
In early May, a court in California ordered Samsung to pay Apple $ 119,6 million for infringement of two patents, but the U.S. company claims about another two patents not recognized. The same court ruled that Apple violated the right to a patent South Korean corporations Samsung and awarded compensation of $ 158,400.
Earlier this year, two global electronics giant in the United States began a second round of litigation on mutual claims in the patent field. While Apple claims that Samsung infringed its patent rights against smartphones Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Tab 2.