Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Americans have created a Google Glass for car [video]

The company announced Navdy car device that displays information from smartphones before the eyes of motorists. This increases the convenience of getting useful information and positive impact on traffic safety, as the person sitting behind the wheel does not have to be distracted from the road.

The system, which developers called «Google Glass Car" is a small device that is placed on the car dashboard. The device is equipped with a mini-projector and a transparent panel, which is projected information. The data is transmitted via Bluetooth with your iPhone or Android-based device: Compatible operating systems iOS 7 + and Android 4.3 +.
"The driver will not have to be distracted by the display board of the machine or system screen smartphone - say developers - All information will be directly in front of the eyes." The system displays information such as current speed and its restriction to this stretch of road, the distance to the next turn and drag pointer, estimated time of arrival. In addition, HUD-display notifies speeding traffic and surveillance cameras.
Information is supplemented by voice instructions that are played through the speaker of the mobile device or on-board audio system. You can control the system using voice and spatial gestures. Navdy displays notifications on the screen of the application messages, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps and others. Using the device, you can answer the phone and type messages.
Navdy will be available for sale in early 2015 at a price of 499 dollars. Leave a pre-order the device can be discounted by 40% - for 299 dollars.