Monday, August 18, 2014

Do competitors Apple and Samsung has no chance in the market of "smart" watches

Competition in the smartphone market is extremely high, so handset manufacturers are forced to seek new ways of development. One of them is related to the development of wearable computers in a "smart" watch, but this production is doomed to failure, unless it is released under the Apple brand or Samsung.

Analyst Jan Dawson of firms Jackdaw Research believes that in the near future, the market of smart-hours will be fully concentrated in the hands of Apple and Samsung, while the share of other manufacturers will be minor. Those who are just starting their way in this market, the expert recommends that as soon as possible to revise their plans in the direction of manufacture of other products. In Jackdaw Research attributed leading Apple's position in the market of smart watches, despite the fact that the company has not released any one such gadget.
"We strongly advise producers to maintain the volume of investment in this market, where the prospects and revenues remain questionable. We recommend that the majority of vendors to stay away from this market ", - said Dawson.
This year, in addition to their Apple smart watches are going to present Motorola, ASUS, HTC, Sony and even HP. All of them, according to analysts, are doomed to failure. Today Samsung controls 78% of the American market smart hours, and another 18% is owned by Pebble, which is one of the pioneers. It is assumed that after the debut of the current position iWatch leaders falter badly.
According to rumors, "smart" watch Apple will debut this fall for $ 350. At least, this is exactly the price tag consumers expect. The new "apple" gadget will get a bunch of sensors and a stylish design, but it will be the main highlight in the ecosystem.