Sunday, August 24, 2014

Google acquired the company Gecko Design for work on the project X

Google acquired the company Gecko Design, which helped various companies in creating a design for their products. Among the most well-known clients Gecko Design can be noted Fitbit, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Logitech, Sonos, Aliph, and many others. Google has started to cooperate with the Gecko Design in 2013 and so was pleased with the results of the joint work that she decided to put the relations on a new level. Experts from Gecko Design will assist in the design of products, which is being developed in research laboratories Google X.
Google приобрела компанию Gecko Design для работы над проектом X

On the photos below you can see some examples of products, the creation of which had a hand Gecko Design.
Google приобрела компанию Gecko Design для работы над проектом X Google приобрела компанию Gecko Design для работы над проектом X
Google приобрела компанию Gecko Design для работы над проектом X Google приобрела компанию Gecko Design для работы над проектом X
"This is an incredible opportunity for all in Gecko. We are very excited and feel honored to join the Google X, as well as work on various advanced projects", - said Jacques Gagne, president and owner of Gecko Design.
Recall that the unit of Google X has been developing "smart" glasses Google Glass, design of which many are unhappy, as well as the creation of modular smartphones Project Ara.