In early 2015, the EU intends to make a proposal to ban the production and sale on the territory of its member smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that consume too much energy when charging.
According to , before European authorities have introduced a corresponding prohibition against vacuum cleaners, washing machines, refrigerators and televisions, and now plan to extend it to other household appliances, including hair dryers, electric kettles, lawn mowers, as well as smartphones.
Entry into force of new rules could have a serious impact on producers - according to a study commissioned by the European Commission, the adoption of new restrictions could affect a third of all sold in the EU instruments.
Thus, manufacturers of hair dryers, will likely have to reduce the power of some models by 30%, or to abandon their production. Pass can also get home and amplifiers for media centers that belong to the group of the least energy-efficient appliances. Smartphones and Tablets proposed ban will affect to a lesser extent, but underneath it can get some models.
"All EU countries agree that improving energy efficiency - this is the best way to reduce the total energy consumption and dependence on energy suppliers. As this will reduce the impact on climate. It is therefore necessary to take appropriate restrictions for small appliances, "- said EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger