Thursday, August 28, 2014

Intel introduces new technology building and testing

Intel has announced the availability of new technologies for chip customers who need a modern and cost-effective solution for building and testing. Embedded Multi-die Interconnect Bridge (EMIB) used in the production of 14-nm. It will reduce the cost and simplify operations 2.5D chip layout to create a high-density crystals of compounds in a single package. Instead of expensive silicon interposer technology TSV (vias in silicon) in the body is built a small silicon bridge that allows you to create high-density compound crystal-crystal only where it is needed. Standard technology installation method "inverted chip" is used for connecting the channels between the chip and the substrate. A EMIB eliminates the vias and the interposer, which reduces the cost and simplifies production.
Intel выпускает новые технологии компоновки и тестирования

"Technology EMIB allows to implement new features that would be too expensive to implement using the previously known solutions" - said Babak Sabi, Intel vice president and business unit manager of technology development assembly and testing.
Intel also announced the release of Platform High Density Modular Test (HDMT). HDMT, combining hardware and software modules, provides a platform for testing technology Intel, catering to various markets, including the server, client systems, single-chip products and solutions for the "Internet of Things". Previously, such a feature was only available for Intel, and now can take advantage of the benefits HDMT chip customers in the Intel Custom Foundry.
"We have developed a platform HDMT to ensure prompt testing and process control at the level of individual units. Proven features reduce costs compared to traditional platforms. HMDT to accelerate time to market for new products and increase productivity," - said Babak Sabi.
EMIB will be available to customers in 2015, and HDMT can already be used for implementation.