Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Steve Jobs dreamed of free Wi-Fi for all users

Apple founder Steve Jobs dreamed that all access points Wi-Fi will be open to members. This was told journalist Walt Mossberg, who knew the inventor of iPhone.

Remembering Steve Jobs, Mossberg writes:
"Jobs liked to walk around the neighborhood in Palo Alto, California. And after the iPhone of course, he always took a smartphone. The first model was sluggish and thoughtful in what concerned the mobile Internet. The only way to speed up data retrieval - Wi-Fi. The device, as now, scan the surrounding network and shows a list of connections. Then Steve Jobs complained about the problem - most restricted access networks. "
Jobs understood that passwords on networks Wi-Fi - a necessary measure to ensure the safety of user data. Then he thought, why not protect your wireless network by opening with the Internet for other people. So anyone coming out of the house, could use high-speed Internet connection, because the iPhone automatically switches between networks, similar to how mobile communication. According to Mossberg, Jobs wanted to connect to this initiative router vendors.
Jobs did not have time to implement his idea. However, since each wireless router now has a guest network - an open interface to access the Internet.