Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Visa will take part in the creation of a new payment system Apple

Visa payment system participates in the development of mobile payment system, Apple, which should simplify the purchases made using the iPhone and iPad. This writes the business paper Marketwatch, specifying that Visa will assume responsibility for payment processing, fraud detection or complete provision of the necessary infrastructure.

Probably so Visa is trying to avoid direct competition with the new product Apple, offering instead a partnership. This step can be considered logical, given that the target audience of the new payment system has 800 million people.
Payment service will be launched simultaneously with the iPhone 6 this fall and will work on the basis of the existing system of accounts in iTunes. As part of the new platform, users can make payments from your device using only Apple ID.
Recently reported on Apple's plans to create its own mobile payments system between consumers and retailers. Company will help develop its existing services: using iBeacon system can alert users about discounts for specific products in the store. Fingerprint scanner is installed on the iPhone and the new iPad, prevent unauthorized access to the user.
"Mobile payment system will be Apple Passbook on steroids - Pacific Crest analyst says Josh Beck. - The company uses millions of accounts together with technologies Visa, to create an easily extensible payment platform. "
Payment service Apple, presumably, will be integrated into the final version of iOS 8. It will be based on existing accounting system in iTunes, which were about 800 million credit cards.Currently the Apple store you can buy books, music, movies, apps and other products. So far, users do not have the opportunity to buy other products using the account in iTunes: when buying a mobile device, the buyer must enter credit card information manually.
The new payment system will simplify this process by providing iPhone users an opportunity to fill your credit card information automatically.