Investigation of Survata, dedicated to the release of the iPhone 6, considered the expectations of users of other platforms. As it turned out, the owners of vehicles on the operating system Windows Phone expressed the least desire to become owners of the iPhone 6.

The survey was conducted fairly unconventional way. Visitors were surveyed various websites, in exchange for the answers they offered access to premium content data. Only 3% of smartphone users have expressed a desire to WP buy new iPhone, owners of Android-devices such was 5%. The maximum number of potential 'defectors' found among users of smartphones BlackBerry - 6%, indicating Ozone .
Hardly a representative survey with the number of participants 889 people, so we should not treat it too seriously (besides, no one knows for sure how consumers perceive the new model). However, interest may be the fact that of the iPhone 5 smartphone users (many of whom have just come to the end of the 2-year contracts with mobile operators) wishing to go on the iPhone 6 accumulated 36%, 18% of the holders of the model 5s and 15 % of users iPhone 5C.
Whatever it was, Microsoft can be satisfied with a small user base loyalty smartphones on Windows Phone.