Along with the iOS 8 Apple has released a cumulative update for the set-top box Apple TV. It is traditionally the company recommends that you install the new version to all users "apple" of the latest generation set-top boxes.

The main innovation of Apple TV 7.0 was updated user interface. Design software shell changed in accordance with the "flat" style operating systems iOS 7 for iPhone / iPad and OS X Yosemite for the Mac. In OS seen updated channel icons, font and subtle gradients, as in OS X 10.10.
By design, the icons on the TV screen application icons reminiscent of the mobile and desktop "operatsionok» Apple. Music, Settings, Movies, iTunes Radio - images on icons copied almost completely. Preserved only the rectangular shape of the old icons, explains an aspect ratio of most TV panels. In general, the organization of the sections and the location of the menu in the Apple TV interface remained the same.

In addition to the new design update has brought features "Family Access" and Photos iCloud.Special mode "Family Access" debuted in the iOS operating system 8 and OS X Yosemite.The function is intended for the exchange of shopping, photos, and calendars with your family.Family members can view and download purchases from iTunes Store, iBooks Store and App Store, made friends. Option can be used for up to 6 players - each with their own Apple ID.

Other innovations Apple TV - a new channel Beats Music Photo service and support iCloud, which allows you to store an entire library of images in the cloud. The latter acts as an alternative to the function of the iOS 7. Photostream Library of photos and videos entirely discharged to the remote server and synchronized between all your devices. Access is available on all devices, including the Apple TV.

It is worth noting that the first operating system for set-top box Apple has a limitation - firmware is available on Apple TV 3G, as well as on the Apple TV 2G, issued after 2011. Second-generation set-top box 2010 model year is not supported by the new OS.
Download the new firmware Apple TV can be right now. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Update Software.