One of the indisputable advantages of iOS 8 is the ability to extend its functionality with widgets and additions and, of course, use the keyboard. The developers have already announced several such decisions - and pioneer continuous input Swype, and had taken the initiative SwiftKey. But the first such tool in the "apple" of the platform became keyboard Fleksy.

Fleksy can give odds most of the players in the market, not only on the platform Android, because for successful typing here is not necessarily even get to the desired letter. Literally taking the word of five letters and typing all five correctly, the user gets the desired result. For Fleksy not much difference how many errors allowed when typing - most importantly, the number of letters to coincide with the desired word, and their location was relatively close to the indicative. Another feature of the keyboard is a system of gestures, thanks to which the text can be typed quickly.

As well as a version for Android, Fleksy for iOS 8 is available in two versions - free and paid.Users can buy the skin from the built-shop and enjoy some special options.
Fleksy is considered the world's fastest keyboard for smartphones. In May, 16-year-old resident of Brazil broke the world record for speed dialing SMS-messages using Fleksy for Android. Contestants had to dial the phone in English the following sentence of more than a hundred characters, "toothed piranhas of the species Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus - the most aggressive freshwater fish in the world. However, in reality they rarely attack humans". Fernandez up to the task in 18.19 seconds.
Previously, developers SwiftKey keyboard stated that actively transfer their custom keyboard on a mobile platform Apple. Developers are not less popular solutions Swype also promised to release a solution for iOS 8.
Download Fleksy Keyboard for iPhone and iPad [ link ]