Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Microsoft demonstrated its extensions in iOS 8 on Video

Microsoft has released an updated client of the service OneNote, which was supported by the new operating system iOS 8. said in a company blog.

The new version of OneNote for iOS 8 lets you add material to your notebook from different applications, not leaving them. It was made available thanks to the introduction of new mobile platform possible applications to exchange data with each other - support for extensions.
Creators OneNote not laurels Evernote and the application - the answer to the popular service for recordkeeping. The program is available on the iPhone, iPad and Mac, according to Microsoft, - a digital notebook for important work and personal notes. It allows you to sketch ideas, add pictures, shopping lists and conduct of affairs.
Microsoft demonstrated its extensions in the updated OneNote to the video:

Download OneNote is available for free from the App Store on the links below.
Download OneNote for iPhone and iPod touch [ App Store ]
Download OneNote for iPad [ App Store ]