Released on Wednesday evening update iOS 8 dangerous to jailbreak. This was tweeted known hacker MuscleNerd. According to him, designed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch firmware disrupts exploit Pangu , which is used to crack iOS 7.0-7.1.2.

"Lost for beginners: if today you go to iOS 8, you will lose the jailbreak and can not go back to iOS 7.0. Be careful "- warned MuscleNerd.
Smartphone users on iOS 7 with jailbreak, you should not upgrade to the new version.According to MuscleNerd, hackers are not yet available exploit code that is compatible with the new OS version. Last covers a number of important vulnerabilities.

In the next few hours Apple will stop signing iOS 7.1.2 and the possibility to install it via iTunes will not . In case of problems with a jailbroken device, you can upgrade to iOS 8. only time when it is possible to jailbreak iOS 7.1.2, is limited.

MuscleNerd said that the downgrade will only make people second-generation iPad. And for that they must be pre-stored certificates SHSH Blobs.
"And again, only a limited number of users with Redsn0w can downgrade from iOS 8 on iOS 7. It applies only to the owners of the iPad 2, which retained the SHSH Blobs from 4.x or 5.x», - said the developer. On the timing of the availability of tools Redsn0w, hacker silent.
Operating system design has inherited its predecessor, but has received a number of important changes. Thus, the updated Notification Center allows even respond to messages from the lock screen, and not to open the corresponding application. In the multitasking menu will have access to the contact list, to simplify the work with the mail client using gestures. Read more about all the new iOS 8 can be found here .
According to experts Ars Technica, compare the performance of iPhone 4s on platforms iOS 7.1.2 and iOS 8, the latest smart phone are a bit slower compared to the previous release.