On Wednesday evening major release since the launch of App Store is now available as a free software update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The main achievement of developers and users was set iOS 8 SDK, which includes more than 4,000 new interface allows you to create unprecedented application.

In addition to the new features panel exports, widgets and custom actions, in iOS 8 shows the predictive text keyboard. Technology QuickType considers the context of, for example, the recipient and the application in which the user is working. She remembers the style of communication and tells about it. More opportunities to work with the text offer alternative keyboard third-party developers.
Despite the fact that the release of the update took place a few hours ago, a number of developers have already imagine a custom keyboard for iOS 8.
SwiftKey (free)
SwiftKey is considered the "smart" keyboard for Android. Difficult process of getting your text on the touch screen to help Keystone and system for predictive text in 60 languages.

SwiftKey Keyboard for iOS 8 works much the same way as "googlephones." Since the installation of the program remembers what a person writes and automatically offers written speech favorite phrases and expressions. According to user reviews, it seems that the keyboard "reads" thoughts and predicts almost whole sentences from the very first words.
Fleksy ($ 0,99).
Fleksy can give odds most of the players in the market, because for successful typing here is not necessarily even get to the desired letter. Literally taking the word of five letters and typing all five correctly, the user gets the desired result. For Fleksy not much difference how many errors allowed when typing - most importantly, the number of letters to coincide with the desired word, and their location was relatively close to the indicative. Another feature of the keyboard is a system of gestures, thanks to which the text can be typed quickly.

KuaiBoard ($ 1,99)
Keyboard KuaiBoard (formerly known as QuickBoard) offers three special techniques to speed up text input on iOS-devices: TextBoard, MeBoard and LocationBoard. They are based on the automation of some of the actions that must be performed at a set of textual information. For example, you can add a button on the keyboard with the words or phrases that often have to recruit.

As elements are added is the ability to use whole paragraphs, so you can store in the list, for example, patterns of responses to the letters, address, current geographic coordinates and more. QuickBoard appears on the screen by pressing a special button.
Minuum ($ 1,99).
Creators Minuum solved the problem of typing an original way - they took the usual QWERTY-keyboard and a "flattened" it vertically, lining characters almost on a par: Q a ZW s XE d C. With this arrangement will continue usual position of letters, and the lack of information about vertical arrangement of letters and the inevitable inaccuracies quite easily compensated using dictionaries and recognition algorithms, which have become almost standard on any smartphone. If we need a precise set, for example in the case of the password and URL, the desired letter or number, you can choose to instantly pops up at the touch of a larger fragment.

Swype ($ 0.99).
Swype keyboard designed for use with a touch screen that displays traditional keyboard QWERTY / QWERTY, and allows the user to enter a word by sliding your finger from letter to letter, lifting only your finger between words. To guess the words Swype uses error correction and linguistic model of language. In Swype also have the option of predictive text input (prediction of the word entered by the first letter).

The main modules are the analyzer keyboard track of the finger on the screen, the system will search for words in the appropriate database and the actual interface Swype.
TextExpander ($ 4.99)
Developers utility TextExpander, designed to make productive typing on smartphones and tablets Apple, released the app TextExpander 3 + custom keyboard. The release includes a new keyboard for iOS 8 which allows you to dial hundreds of signs in seconds.

TextExpander working principle is to ensure to perform the automatic replacement of the entered text on a short fragment of a larger volume. For example, you can specify that when typing the characters "ccc" program will be replaced by a combination of a long message, for example, "At the moment the director is on a business trip. With this question, you can contact by phone 222-33-44. " And if you type a sequence of letters «ddate» in the text shows the current date.
TouchPal (free)
The developers have also demonstrated the possibility of TouchPal keyboard on devices with iOS 8. program offers two methods for entering text. The first is called TouchPal Curve. Is so-called input mode flourishes. It allows you to just keep your finger from one letter to another, taking it from the screen only between words.

The second input method called Wave. This mode is based on the method of predictive typing, in which the keyboard is not only tells the end of the current word, but also tries to predict the next word in a sentence. Tips are placed directly between the keys. To quickly enter selected tips you must swipe from it to the spacebar. Next, leave your finger, you can immediately take him to the next side.