Thursday, October 9, 2014

15-year-old Belgian, spent the game on the iPad $ 46,000

Victim of shareware games Game of War: Fire Age for iPad was a teenager from Belgium. He agreed with his mother that he would play only free games, but probably not take into account some of the features of one of them. According to The Daily Mail, a virtual entertainment family cost of $ 46 thousand. (About 1.8 million).
15-летний бельгиец потратил в игре на iPad $46 000

Mother of a teenager said that very poorly versed in all modern gadgets and simply asked her son to buy her a few iBooks e-books on vacation, giving him the credit card details of his father. The Belgian did not restrain himself in the acquisition of various improvements, playing in the Game of War, and eventually a few months from the bank account referred to above has been withdrawn amount. According to the teenager, he did not know what to spend real money.
Game of War: Fire Age works in the framework of the free-to-play (with in-game purchases), virtual currency are gold. In the game before you start the battle, the gamer has to rebuild his empire: the farm for food, wood processing mills, barracks, where they will live and train future soldiers, and much more. After gathering his own army, the player can compete against other rulers. Game of War - Fire Age is included in the top 3 highest-grossing games in the App Store .
This is not the first case when the "free" games are expensive. Last year, a victim of The Simpsons: Tapped Out for iPad is a boy from the English city of Bristol. Its virtual shopping cost the family at £ 980 (45 000). Another case occurred in a 5-year-old Briton , who in a similar situation devastated parent's bank account, and in just 10 minutes. The child spent on the game almost £ 1700 pounds (about 80 000).
In both cases, Apple representatives said they would reimburse families of the spent amount of children.