Thursday, October 9, 2014

Apple's brand is recognized as a leader among American teenagers

Research firm Piper Jaffray has published data from a survey of American adolescents regarding products Apple. Experts noted the growing popularity of "apple" brand among students and believe that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is even more popularized smartphones from Apple among the younger generation.

It turned out that the Apple brand is the most popular among the younger population of the USA, 73% intend to buy a smartphone in the future of this company. Most respondents use iPhone (67%). This is higher than the April figures: in the spring there were 61%, the report points out Piper Jaffray. In the iPad admitted 66%, the same amount was recorded in April.
Smart watches Apple Watch at a price of $ 350 would not mind to buy 16% of respondents.The very same popular brand is Rolex (30%), followed by the designer watches Michael Kors (23%), the third - Casio (9%). Analysts also found that American young generation prefers shoes Nike (43%), Vans (10%) and Converse (6%).
The survey showed that the popularity of Instagram has grown since the spring from 69% to 76%, Facebook has become much less attractive (45% and 72% in autumn and spring, respectively), 8% do not use social networking sites.
Just study involved 7,500 adolescents from families with higher income (over $ 55,000 per year). The average age of the respondents - 16 years.