Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to get Root in Android

Despite the fact that the operating system Android is much more open than most of its competitors, yet it also has its own restrictions and limitations. Normal user will not be allowed to interfere in the work unceremoniously system software, delete important files or make potentially dangerous settings. However, all these features are available in the event that the owner receives a superuser or the so-called root. In this article we will explain what additional features it provides, what is dangerous, and how to do it.
Как получить Root в Android и стоит ли это делать

What is Root?

Root device means getting superuser, which is about the same concept from the world of Linux. Because of this, you can perform almost any action, including potentially dangerous. In other words, it is gaining full control over your device.

Why do it?

Among the advantages are the following:
  • for access and the ability to modify system files and applications;
  • the ability to install multiple applications, which require considerable root:
  • installing third-party firmware and mods;
  • removal of pre-installed software and other debris;
  • activation of many additional features Android;
  • increase productivity and autonomy, with special programs and tweaks.

What are the disadvantages and dangers of getting superuser?

The Internet is enough horror stories about it and some of them are under the soil. Thus, the root of the shortcomings observed the following:
  • it void your warranty (in fact all the signs of this operation can be eliminated);
  • you will not be able to receive updates through the air from the manufacturer;
  • in some cases, the procedure for obtaining root privileges threatened failure of your device (but more often a gadget can be revived).

How to get root on my device?

The procedure for obtaining root privileges, as a rule, is not difficult and with careful implementation of all instruction takes place without any problems. Moreover, it created some universal tools that automate this process and make available to even the most novice users. One of the most famous is Framaroot. This program allows rutirovat very large number of different devices. And even if the name of your gadget is not in the list of supported , still makes sense to try, since there are quite a large probability of obtaining root, and the negative consequences will not be exact.
So, to get root using the Framaroot perform the following steps.
1. Download the latest version from the page Framaroot forum XDA-Developers at this link .
2. Install the software from the downloaded apk-file to your device.

3. Run the utility. In that case, if the device is supported by the program, on the main screen you will see a drop-down list of possible actions, which include options for the removal and root. In addition, just below, there is one or more names of exploits that are available for use.

4. tapnite one of the available exploits, and after a few seconds you will be prompted to describe the results of its work. If one method does not work, try another. Sometimes it happens that in the preparation of the superuser Framaroot to crash. In this case, simply restart the program and try again.
5. Once you get a hint that the device successfully root should reboot the device.