Thursday, October 9, 2014

iPad Air 2 presumably receive Retina HD display

The second beta version of iOS 8.1 , released this week, revealed some features of the upcoming iPad. Were found inside the firmware interface graphic elements with a triple Released, which indicates that Apple may increase the number of pixels in the new displays iPad.

iPad Air second generation that Apple will next week, can get the screen Retina HD. This was told by the developer Hamza Court tester beta iOS 8.1. According to him, in addition to standard image files with names like second_center ~ ipad.png and second_center@2x~ipad.png firmware contains the "anomalous" second_center@3x~ipad.png images with higher resolution. This larger version of icons and icons. The obvious explanation for this - adaptation of the element for the iPad screen with higher resolution.
The appearance of these files does not mean that Apple devices in the next generation acquire super fine display. But it is likely that the company is planning to upgrade their screens in tablets in the near future. Display Retina HD, as we have already received "planshetofony» iPhone 6 Plus.
On Wednesday, a California corporation has sent invitations to journalists at the event, which will take place in Cupertino, on the campus of Apple. The program traditionally kept secret.Nevertheless topic presentation evident. Next Thursday, the company certainly will present the second generation iPad Air, yet thinner and lighter. It is possible that will be announced the iMac and MacBook Air with a Retina-display monitors, Apple TV, or other products.