Sunday, October 5, 2014

iPod users filed a lawsuit against Apple, accusing the company in relation to its ecosystem

Apple will make a defendant in a class action under the users iPod, accusing California corporation monopolizing the online iTunes store by imposing players of consumers as the only possible device for listening to music from this store. In case of defeat in court Apple will have to pay a fine of $ 350 million.

The Court has set in motion case which relates to a controversial decision by the manufacturer iPhone. In October 2004, the "firmware» iPod has been updated, and the music purchased at the store of RealNetworks, has ceased to be played on mobile devices Apple. RealNetworks Harmony technology used to convert the digital protection Real Helix songs from Rhapsody store in compatible with the iPod protective circuitry Apple FairPlay.
"According to the plaintiffs, Apple has restricted competition in the digital music market by introducing protocol FairPlay DRM, which tied the iPod to the ecosystem iTunes. Making it impossible to play the songs on the iPod, purchased on the service side, Apple has limited the opportunities for users to switch to alternative platforms, in particular, based on RealNetworks" - reports Ars Technica.
In March 2009, Apple made the decision to cancel the digital DRM protection for all the music in the iTunes Store.
Hearing in the case on November 17 2014. Observers do not rule out the possibility that Apple will choose the pre-trial procedure for settling the claim.