Saturday, October 4, 2014

LG is developing a "smart" watch on webOS

In the past, LG has gained the HP webOS mobile operating system and began using it in their "smart" TVs. Today it was announced that the Korean manufacturer is also developing a "smart" watch on the platform. 
LG разрабатывает "умные" часы на webOS

Employees of the popular resource The Verge managed to find a new web site for the LG developers, which provides a set of tools for creating applications for the hours based on webOS. Unfortunately, soon after the site has been removed, but some screenshots yet been saved.
LG разрабатывает "умные" часы на webOS
LG разрабатывает "умные" часы на webOS
LG разрабатывает "умные" часы на webOS
Details about the future of wearable devices on webOS platform is not yet known. To date, LG has already introduced a "smart" watch running on the operating system Android Wear of Google. Also recall that earlier in the network appeared rumors about the new watch company with a slot for SIM-cards and support for 3G. Announcement of a new accessory can be held at any time, so we must wait for the official announcement or new leaks.