Saturday, October 4, 2014

Five useful Android-apps for PC control

Modern smart phone, no one sees merely as a device to access the Internet. This navigator, and an alarm clock, and a flashlight, and a notebook, and a voice recorder. In general, we will tell you, even a metal detector program-is no surprise. Today's collection devoted to a less ordinary, but very useful application - input device emulators for the PC. They will be useful if, for example, the computer is connected to the TV, or simply you wanted to control the "big brother", lying on the couch.
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК

Remote Droid

Quite old, but reliable application-emulator touchpad to input text through installed on a smartphone or tablet keyboard. Remote Droid does not require any complicated manipulations to set up, and the user just need that to install the application on the mobile device and server software - the computer.
The work itself is a virtual controller will not cause any problems, especially for those who are accustomed to a standard laptop touchpad. The main screen of the application consists of three zones, limited green and red frames. Large field with red border - touchpad, two green rectangle - keys. If necessary, you can call the system keypad, but its management will depend entirely on its functionality (cursor, dedicated buttons, etc.).
Application of the disadvantages can be noted is not quite easy to set up: to change the sensitivity required to reconnect the mobile device.
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК
  • a simple interface;
  • convenient touchpad;
  • have the ability to enter text.
  • to customize the application requires reconnection to the PC.

Wi-Fi Mouse Remote

This application can completely replace the standard remote controller input (Bluetooth-keyboard and mouse). Thanks to a full virtual keyboard the user will be able to work with all the function of text editors, web-browsers, and even games.
But notably the mouse emulation. Unlike similar applications, WiFi Mouse Remote developers should consider the opportunity to record, pressing the left key for easy movement of the selected objects. Moreover, additional functionality can be scaled and flipping pages or images swipe with two fingers, and use emulation "wheel" in games.
Of the additional features worth noting interaction with various office programs from the base package Microsoft Office, access to the functions of the screen capture, management system clipboard, the ability to quickly zoom windows open.
Not without its flaws. Unfortunately, the virtual keyboard is focused on smartphones, so the tablet keys obtained disproportionately stretched and print on them is slightly blurred. In this case, all attempts to change the screen orientation application maliciously ignored.
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК
  • emulation of mouse and keyboard;
  • full-featured keyboard;
  • support fast functions Microsoft Office.
  • keyboard is not adapted to the tablet screen.

Wi-Fi Mouse / Wi-Fi Mouse HD

One of the best applications that emulate controllers PC input. PC connection is made through a common Wi-Fi network with a server program. To configure the interface does not require any special skills, and further connection at all can be automated.
The main application screen is a classic touchpad. Some features work with a mouse does not have: if you have ever used a laptop without an external mouse, then no difficulty mastering Wi-Fi Mouse will not make. Much more interesting additional features of the application. Here the developers have provided a challenge full-sized keyboard with support for all standard PC commands. In addition, WiFi Mouse is familiar to users of the iMac and Macbook trackball to control the media features.
Free version of the application is not particularly limited, but after some time of use will start to appear intrusive plate with a proposal to purchase the full version. In this case, the developers for some shared Wi-Fi Mouse on a simple (for smartphones) and HD-version (tablets).
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК
  • emulation of mouse and keyboard;
  • easy setup;
  • there is a trackball to control the media features.
  • separation simple and HD versions.

Mouse Kit (Keyboard + Presenter)

This application combines the virtual keyboard, a mouse and a handy tool for presentations. Pairing the mobile device and the PC is carried out via a common Wi-Fi network, and after the initial connection setup (search for devices over IP) reconnection will not require authorization.
The main function of the application - mouse emulation. Developers do not have to experiment by making a simple window-panel touchpad and buttons: left and right keys, and in the middle - a field for paging and rewinding. The remaining features of the application are being marketed as aids, but they make the application so attractive. In addition to the mouse in Mouse Kit has a comfortable keyboard with additional system keys, as well as a virtual remote control for presentations through Power Point, supports gyro.
Deficiencies have been identified Mouse Kit. The only thing missing - for fixing the left mouse button.
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК
  • virtual mouse and keyboard;
  • remote control presentations in Power Point;
  • support the gyroscope.
  • No fixing the left mouse button.

Monect Portable

This application is targeted at gamers, as well as for everyday use, as functions Monect Portable should be quite enough for office work, and for web-surfing. In the arsenal of the emulator - keyboard, mouse, touchpad, trackball, gamepad. Unfortunately, the mouse, by and large, does not differ from the usual touchpad. But other options for controlling the computer device is converted into a full fledged gaming tool.
Keyboard approached for registration to the gaming model. Frequently used keys are highlighted in yellow-contrast, and their location will allow comfort not only to play but also to type the text. But the main thing, of course - it's a gamepad. This in Monect Portable, probably unavailable adequate competitor in Google Play. Developers should consider several options for layout of main and additional keys, resulting in the application is ideal for dynamic racing and flight simulators.
Of the minuses can be noted annoying ads in the free version.
Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК Пять полезных Android-приложений для управления ПК
  • virtual mouse and keyboard;
  • full gamepad.
  • the free version there is an annoying ads.
In parting, we recall that our lists can not be considered an official rating applications. They do not use data and top downloads other online resources. However, applications for remote control PC myriad, and the format of the article is not captured in the survey, even a small part of them.
As always, our comments are open for your comments and opinions as of the above programs, as well as on your preferred solutions. Even if your favorite application does not fall into a selection, it may be useful to other users.