Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sony is considering issuing AOSP-firmware

Sony has become one of the largest participants in the project Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and is constantly releasing the source code and binary files, making it easier for developers to create unofficial firmware for the devices of the Japanese company. 
Sony рассматривает возможность выпуска AOSP-прошивок

In the past, Sony even released a stock firmware for your smartphone that makes it easy to turn them virtually Google Play Edition-device.Unfortunately, the manufacturer has never provided full AOSP-firmware for their products, but this opportunity to really consider.
"Please note that the source code and files, provided by us, is not enough to create a fully working custom firmware. But we are doing everything we can to make life as simple developer community. We've heard some rumors about Sony planning to release the AOSP-firmware. In Currently it is not in our plans, but, of course, some of the reviews that we have seen in regards to this idea quite interesting" - said in an official blog Sony.
Sony will continue to continue to release the source code and binaries for their devices, so that developers can create custom firmware.Perhaps in the future, the company will change its position and will be releasing AOSP-firmware. Read full post Sony about this, you can on the official website of the company.