Apple sent out to users on-line service TestFlight warning about closing the service with the February 26, 2015. TestFlight was developed by Burstly, which Californian giant bought in February last year .

Instead of a separate site programmers are encouraged to use the new section TestFlight Beta Testing online iTunes Connect. Apple warned developers that they will not be able to transfer the information automatically to the new service - they have to re-enter information on their applications. Content can be exported as CSV-file via the menu Action.
In the autumn of last year, Apple launched a mobile application TestFlight to control beta.With it, developers can connect the beta testers to test the system for their e-mail addresses and then conveniently manage the process with the iPhone and iPad.
With TestFlight can accept applications for participation in testing mobile software, install and update test versions of games and applications. The utility automatically sends users to push-notifications when new beta versions. Developers satisfied with the new service for predreliznogo testing and actively use it.

It is noteworthy that soon after the acquisition of "fruit" company TestFlight, he stopped working with the operating system Android. As expected, it was one of the conditions of purchase of service manufacturer of iPhone.