Saturday, March 21, 2015

12-year-old American twice tried to kill her mother for selected iPhone

Police arrested 12-year-old girl in the US who tried to kill his mother because she forbade her to use the iPhone. To deal with the birth mother decided schoolgirl in Denver, Colorado.

For some reason, women are robbed girl smartphone. Perhaps, instead of training it is too carried away playing with the gadget. Perhaps it complained to the school. Whatever it was, but her mother forbade her daughter to temporarily use the iPhone. For this girl woman chlorine bleach poured into a glass with a cocktail at the breakfast table, and then in a jug of water.
According to preliminary information, the child is added to the drink twice mother chemical, hoping to poison her. In early March, the girl prepared fruit cocktail diluted bleach.
"The woman took a sip, and immediately felt in the beverage chemistry. However, she thought that her daughter is not just rinsed the glass before pouring cocktail there" - said in a statement the police.
The woman was taken to hospital, but on the same day the doctors let her go home, according to Tass .
But she has not left trying to get their way. A few days later she poured bleach into a carafe of water. The woman immediately felt the smell of chlorine. Check with the daughter that she wanted to kill her in revenge for selected iPhone, mother immediately called the police.
On Friday intrusa were charged with attempted murder. Now she is in a detention center for juvenile offenders. For which he was punished girl mom, not reported.