Friday, March 20, 2015

American shot point-blank in the iPhone 6 [Video]

TechRax continues to mock iPhone 6. He boiled smartphones Coke, cooked in a microwave oven, tortured grinder. This time, he just shot at point-blank into the device. Crash test results, he shared with the audience on YouTube.

"This is the easiest, fastest, best way to kill the iPhone 6! Do not try this at home" - says TechRax, previously proving that the device is not a Chinese copy.
Movie quickly became a hit YouTube, gathered for a few days about half a million views.Spectators nevertheless went in crash test ratings. Some considered unacceptable to destroy for fun expensive smartphone, while in the world there are many poor people and people in need. "You have to spend money on phones, which are then destroyed, instead of sacrificing their starving children!" - Wrote one commentator to the video.
It is noteworthy that the vast majority were satisfied with what he saw: more than 26 000 people have put the video "Like", 1000 against negative evaluations.