Mozilla has released a new version of the browser Firefox, which implemented a number of innovations, including work with HTTPS-protocol, and fixed some critical errors. The program is available for download on the platforms PC, Mac, Linux and Android.

Firefox 37 does not carry a large number of fundamentally new features in this version of the company mainly gave the finishing touches latest innovations that have been incorporated in previous releases. Notable change is the change in the standard search service. In the version of the program for users from Turkey.
The main innovations Firefox 37:
- Added Rating Heartbeat, aimed at gathering information about job satisfaction browser through the interview, offer to evaluate the quality of the current issue on a scale.
- Implemented a subset of the API Media Source Extensions (MSE) API, allows you to generate multimedia streams from JavaScript-applications. Including supports playback from YouTube with HTML5-player.
- For HTTP / 2 supports additional encryption scheme without authentication, activated with the support server specification AltSvc. When this scheme is provided only encrypt the data stream without performing operations validation server.
- Disabled rollback unsafe version of TLS.
- Appeal to the search engine Bing is now performed using HTTPS.
- For assemblies with Turkish localization is enabled by default search engine Yandex.
- Improved rendering performance WebGL on Windows platform by using API Direct3D 11 instead of Direct3D 9.
- In WebRTC enabled new implementation protocols SDP (Session Description Protocol) and JSEP (Javascript Session Establishment Protocol).
- Support OneCRL mechanism for centralized revocation. The technology is similar in nature to that used in Google Chrome CRLset mechanism and is based on the distribution of centralized database that tracks certificate revocation intermediate certification authorities.
- Dropped support DSA certificates and TLS.
- In the certificates supports fields with constraints by email.
- Expanded information error messages SSL, non-certificates.
- For the work of expansion False Start in the TLS protocol now requires a set of codes based on the block cipher AEAD.
- Support values «contents» in the CSS-property display (display: contents), when you specify that instead of generating a certain type of element to be used pseudo formed of several children.
- IndexedDB and WebSocket now available handlers in multithreaded Web Workers.
- Possible to call debug toolbar for URL chrome: // and about: //.
- On the Web console added output is not enough reliable information on the ciphers.
- In panel monitor network activity presents a new implementation of the interface to display information related to security, including output data on certificates, version TLS / SSL and how to protect the connection.
- The structure included tool Valence, allows you to use Firefox Developer Tools for debugging third-party browsers such as Chrome, Chrome for Android and Safari for iOS.
- In the inspection system fonts appeared able to view all fonts on the page, including those mentioned in blocks iframe.
- In the interface pages inspection panel for added elements of animation. The developers were able to control the use of Web Animations API on the timeline, pause and resume the animation.
- Available in a beta release of a new interface settings are not enabled by default and is expected to Firefox 38. Firefox users 37 can evaluate the performance of the new configurator through URL «about: preferences».
In addition to new features and bug fixes in Firefox 37 fixed series of vulnerabilities, some of which are marked as critical, meaning they can lead to code execution when opening a specially designed pages. Currently the information with details about fixed security issues is not available.
Download Firefox 37 on the official website of the project, either through an automatic update system. Android-version is available in the directory Google Play. In accordance with the six-week development cycle release of Firefox 38 is scheduled for May 12 and Firefox 39 on June 30th.