Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Apple logo is highlighted in green in honor of the International Day of the Earth

April 22 Earth Day is celebrated annually. The tradition of celebrating this date began in the US in 1970. In 1990, this day has become an international action. Earth Day is meant to draw the world's attention to environmental issues. Therefore, in this day held environmental actions and events - scientific conferences, exhibitions, closing traffic on the busy streets of major cities, cleaning and tree planting.

Mark Earth Day and decided to Apple. Company logos, located in retail stores Apple Store, today highlight green. To celebrate Earth Day, Apple also released a "Report on the achievements in the field of environmental responsibility for 2014".
For more than 20 years, the company is working to minimize the impact of the company and "apple" products on the environment. The report for 2014 noted three priorities, which is currently focused company:
  • - Reduce the impact on the climate through the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency growth products;
  • - Save valuable natural resources in all possible ways;
  • - Being a pioneer and an example to the industry on the use of the most environmentally friendly materials in products and production processes and operating companies.
Among the key achievements of Apple for 2014 - 87% of all energy used in the factories and buildings of the company come from renewable sources, and retail stores have already provided 100% renewable energy. In order to achieve such performance and closer to the goal of 100 per cent work on renewable energy, Apple decides to various tasks, including the purchase of renewable energy from third-party suppliers, participation in programs of sustainable tariffs and cooperation with land owners to purchase their own renewable energy.
The tradition of celebrating Earth Day originated in the United States at the initiative of the environmental activist Gaylord Nelson. 44 years ago more than 20 million Americans participated in various activities. Even the US Senate decided not to hold meetings on that day to the senators could take part in the celebration. In 1995, for his contribution to the tradition of celebrating Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson was awarded the "Medal of Freedom" - the highest honor which can be awarded a civilian in the United States.
Since then, Earth Day has been celebrated in the United States each year, and later share and spread to other countries. In 1990, it was attended by 200 million people from 141 countries of the world.