Thursday, July 31, 2014

Case for iPhone with Blackberry-keyboard Typo 2 is available for pre-order

Once in March this year the District Court of California imposed a preliminary injunction on the sale, importation and advertising Typo - cover with physical QWERTY-keyboard, which makes the iPhone like a BlackBerry-communicator - from developers accessory not received any information. And now the manufacturer has announced a new version of the gadget, which allegedly does not violate the copyright on the "iconic design" Canadian vendor.

iPhone touch screen has a significant drawback - the lack of a physical keyboard. This circumstance forces users to type letters using virtual buttons without tactile feedback. They are not able to transmit the same feeling, which provide the physical keys. Attempts to improve the user character input method on the iPhone maintained to this day.
Engineers from Typokeyboards offered a way out by developing a special case, allowing you to quickly and most importantly, comfortable to type large emails or SMS-messages. Its built-in QWERTY-keyboard connects to the iPhone 5/5s through wireless Bluetooth. Inside is a battery capacity of 180 mAh, which will be fully charged in one hour.
Typo 2 was in development for the past three months. From the original model, it distinguishes the hull shape and block keys. The device, as before, is the cover protects the back wall of the chamber and the iPhone, but does not cover access to microphone, speaker and Lightning-interface. Provides a backlit keyboard, which is activated by pressing a special key.
Leave a pre-order 2 Typo on our website developers. The cost of the accessory is the same $ 99 .