Saturday, August 2, 2014

6-inch Samsung saved its owner from a bullet

In Taiwan, there was an incident in which 38-year-old man received a gunshot wound. He saved the life of Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3, was in his breast pocket. He stopped the bullet, which was released over firearms.

A man by the name of Han went with friends to a restaurant, on the floor of which found a purse. He asked in the audience if any of them are the owner and said that he was ready to return in exchange for a finder's fee. He said that the reward will be free beer for all visitors.
The owner of the purse, 46-year-old Cyu, was at a nearby table. His mocking tone angered Han and he joined him in the fight. Some time later, when the couple continued showdown on the street, the assailant grabbed the gun fights and Han - knife. According Cnews, Cyu fired chest abuser, and then disappeared.
The incident resulted from Han was injured left wrist, as he instinctively covered her his chest, but the bullet went through it without hitting the bone. By happy coincidence, other serious injuries he received: bullet delayed fablet 6-inch Samsung, who was in his breast pocket.
Guilty of the incident later surrendered to authorities. The police accused Cyu attempted murder. Investigators determined that the shot was made from a distance of about 2-3 m Local media believe that the assailant used a modified gun with reduced stopping power.