Monday, August 4, 2014

Active iPhone owners on the Internet is 7 times higher than that of Android-users

IPhone users behave in a global network in 7 times more active owners Android-based phones, Oszone reports with reference to the analytical agency NetApplications. For the presented results were analyzed data on 40,000 websites.

According to statistics, the Android operating system takes 85% of the mobile market against 11.9% for iOS. However, as we know, all these 11.9% are smartphones iPhone, so that their owners are choosing more expensive expensive tariff plans with lots of traffic. Popularity is the Android system is based on low-end phones and high volumes of sales in developing countries, where the level of solvency is much lower, and do the cellular network are less developed.
According to research by 44.62% of mobile users go online with Android devices and 44.17% of the iOS. C Given almost sevenfold in the number of advantages of Android-devices equality traffic volume indicates that the average user spends iPhone devices that traffic is 7 times.
For the same reason most of the solvency of mobile application developers continue to prefer iOS, as monetization is much higher.
Last week VisionMobile analysts concluded that "war platforms" ended with fixing for premium iOS devices, while Android captured virtually all other niches. Thus, VisionMobile believe that duopoly, which was mentioned in the last report, in fact completed its formation.