Saturday, August 2, 2014

"Al-Qaeda", using data disclosed Snowden, defended iPhone wiretapping

After the ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden made public materials about tapping the U.S. around the world, representatives of the terrorist group "Al-Qaeda" were to change the software on their computers so that intelligence agencies could not read data from them.Besides computers were modified smartphones iPhone and Android-based device, which, according to RT , have established special encoding.

Recorded Future Company conducted a study of changes and software modifications that were made after the revelations of Edward Snowden on global surveillance of U.S. intelligence. It turned out that the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda" has taken into account the methods of wiretapping and programs that used the U.S. National Security Agency, and changed its software used to it was not possible to view the outside.
According to the report, changes in software and criminals made an average of three to five months after the publication of data from a whistleblower. In addition, they have established a special encoding for iOS and Android, which allows to avoid eavesdropping. In the case of the operating system from Apple, probably talking about the devices subjected to jailbreak.
"Al-Qaeda" has continued to invent new encoding and modifications since May 8, 2014, supporting the hypothesis that the information leakage from Edward Snowden affect the application methods of encoding a terrorist organization, "- said in a statement.
However, some scientists believe that the criminals in any case create a new encryption program, just follow the latest trends and innovations in software.
"It's pretty easy to find vulnerabilities in software. Therefore cyberhawks succeed in stealing our credit card data. And that's why all the encodings that invents, such as "Al-Qaeda" is so easy to break into the security services experts "- the employee of the Harvard Berkman Center office Bruce Schneier.