Friday, August 1, 2014

Danes set a record speed data transmission by cable - 43 Tbit / s

Using fiber-optic cable with 7 cores, European scientists have been able to set a world record for speed of data transfer - 43 Tbit / s. This rate is equivalent to 1 GB of information transmission in 0.2 ms.

According researchers from the Danish Technical University (DTU) were able to transfer data at a speed of 43 Tbit / s using a single fiber optic cable and a single laser transmitter. This rate is equivalent to 5.4 TB / s, ie, for example, allows you to transfer all the contents of the hard disk 1TB for a fifth of a second or copy a 1GB file in 0.2 ms.
Danish scientists achieved data rate is a record to date. The previous record was set employees Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany in 2011. Then managed to send data at a speed of 26 Tb / s. Thus, the current achievement surpasses the previous result is about 1.7 times.
To reach a new record, DTU scientists took advantage of the new fiber optic cable designed Japanese telecommunications company NTT. It contains 7 cores instead of one in modern cables. Despite the increasing number of cores, the cable has the same diameter as the current product.
DTU team said in an official statement that their achievement will increase the speed of data transmission and reduce energy consumption in the support networks of the Internet. About this speed availability ordinary consumers question.
The university was reminded that they had previously been able to achieve data transfer rates 1 Pbit / s (128 TB / s), but for this they needed to use several hundred laser transmitters.