Friday, August 1, 2014

Dragon Raiders - Train Your Dragon [review]

The genre of "endless runners" when some ornate hero (often - cat) runs hard, collecting coins and avoiding obstacles, long captured the App Store, and drive him out of there, it seems, is no longer possible. Just too convenient scheme to use, just under the mobile business: managing one finger (the other nine, apparently doing something more useful), received minimal attention, the brain does not need to include. Elementary click on the button showing the reaction - and good results in the next runner will be felt. But you want it, in general, pretty genre something sensible. Well, here's Dragon Raiders.

At first glance - a classic runner. Well, only with dragons (a truly original character, okay).Mechanic is the same: the dragon moves in all four axes, respectively, the obstacles are also working in any direction - you will soar up dramatically and pressed to the ground, and wag his left or right. "So what's the deal?" - You ask, and rightly so: Well, usually the same runner that here the author was deeply moved. But the fact ... coins.
Horror, right? Those same coin, which was runner life funny decoration, never lets you actually buy anything (because everything is sold for real money in these games). And in Dragon Raiders they, in fact, are an important cause to prefer this game over a thousand of its competitors.
The trick is that the coins are summarized in so Sagem combo. That is, if you collect a certain type of coins (there are several), then filled with a special bonus scale, which increases the odds: multiplies by two, three, four and so on. It turns out an interesting movie - if you cause it to lose incipiently germinating combination not the kind of coins, that will spoil everything. And sometimes hvatanut "wrong" piece of iron is very simple: dodge, say, from the obstacle to the left rather than the right - and all, farewell five times multiplier.
Hence, an interesting effect - the first time playing in a runner, you turn your head. Not like in quests, of course, but normally include: before somewhere to throw first pretend to, whether it is beneficial to you.
Now add to the available information, and even the fact that dragons activate special ability once gain the right amount of ephemeral essence. In general, do not get bored.
Earned points can be lowered in the game store or to continue the marathon (aerial?). With the second course, but on the ground, perhaps dwell. There is the classic tinsel - all sorts of cosmetic enhancements, bonus-ups, and there are new dragons, for example - and it's fun.
While in Dragon Raiders optionally play for hours to achieve something. Points here at all likely to consolation prizes than a pillar of the underlying mechanics - just an app so you do not stimulate nonsense. And you have to choose, the more that a user with an empty piggy bank stuffed with different points coins fellow minimal. You can fit in every tree, fundamentally disrupt combos and live-not to grieve, but you can try - then just quickly will advance through the levels and you will have fashionable dragon.