Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Google has released the iOS application to create 360-degree photosphere

Google has released for iOS-devices your application to create a 360-degree photosphere. It is worth noting that in the Android this function appeared more than a year ago in the standard Camera application. The essence of technology is that the user rotates in place, can create a lot of photos around, which as a result will be "glued together" into one complete 360-degree photosphere.
Google выпустила для iOS приложение для создания 360-градусных фотосфер

Google выпустила для iOS приложение для создания 360-градусных фотосфер
The following video demonstrates how to use the applications from Google, you can create the photosphere.

The finished picture you can upload to Google Maps to your friends were able to see the places where you've been.