Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Presentation of the new HTC smartphone September 4

Today, HTC has sent invitations to the press, which reported that on 4 September, the company is going to present its new smartphone.Unfortunately, no details on the upcoming new product manufacturer does not disclose. On invitation only the date and place of presentation. As expected, HTC will present One (M8) Prime, which is an improved version of the original One (M8). According to some sources, HTC One (M8) Prime will get a 5.5-inch display with a resolution of 2560x1440, 805 APQ8084 Snapdragon processor with a clock frequency of 2.3 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 16 GB of internal memory, connector USB 3.0, 5-megapixel UltraPixel off-camera and 18-megapixel sensor depth.
Презентация нового смартфона HTC состоится 4 сентября

Презентация нового смартфона HTC состоится 4 сентября
Recall that in the same day, the company will present its new products Motorola and Huawei .