Saturday, August 2, 2014

Windows Phone impersonating iOS, to solve problems with optimization of websites

The update Windows Phone 8.1, Microsoft has found an interesting solution to the optimization of sites on the Internet. What? Operating system impersonating iOS.
windows-phone-safari-1 site in the browser Windows Phone: to update (left), after the upgrade (right)
This discovery made resource Winsupersite. As the authors of the blog, many sites on the Internet is still not optimized to run on devices with Windows Phone. Some of them just do not know about the existence of the mobile operating system from Microsoft, and therefore, a conventional browser-based format instead of a mobile. But in Redmond found out.
The update to Windows Phone 8.1, Internet Explorer uses the standard alternative user agent. We are talking about network protocol User Agent, which allows resources on the Internet to determine the client devices. As you know, different content sites transmitting Web pages based on the values ​​obtained from the client User Agent. So that users' vinfonov "could fully operate on the web, regular browser Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 simulates the mobile version of Safari.
The result was not long in coming. Customers who had time to test update Windows Phone 8.1, note that the work on the Internet has become much more comfortable. The same mobile Twitter looks almost as an application instead of compressed desktop version.
Update for Windows Phone 8.1 Microsoft announced this week. Among the main innovations Update 1 - adaptation Cortana voice aid for users from the UK and China, "live" folder and updated application Xbox Music.