Friday, September 5, 2014

Announced preliminary cost Oculus Rift

Many gamers are already looking forward to visiting the sale of virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift, but, unfortunately, the device while spreading among developers studying its potential. The very same helmet Oculus Rift is still in the testing phase and the mass production is not ready. However, that does not stop to discuss the cost of the device at the time of entry.
Объявлена предварительная стоимость Oculus Rift

In an interview with Eurogamer, co-founder of Oculus VR Nate Mitchell said that in his estimation the gadget will arrive on shelves at a price ranging from 200 to 400 dollars.
The cost can vary in either direction depending on the size, the number of pre-orders, the components of which will be made final samples, and our business negotiations.
Creator Oculus Rift Palmer Lucky added that the team will try to make the product as accessible as possible. Unfortunately, the exact release date Oculus Rift developers have not named.