Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Popular FTP-client Transmit limited access to iCloud

Popular FTP-client Transmit by Panic lost access to iCloud Drive. Or rather, to that part of the functionality that is associated with downloading files. Developers at the request of Apple expelled from the client to download content to the cloud service company.

The new version of Transmit, debuted on Monday, lost some functions. Contrary to all logic, features an application with access to update fewer. And it's in politics Apple: Panic companies are required to limit the scope of the program.
Transmit for iOS allowed to download files from iCloud Drive, but the download of content back to the service is governed by a key condition - such files should be created by the program. In Cupertino rules explain this App Store, referring to paragraph 2.23 of the rules.
Interestingly, in paragraph 2.23 there is not any mention of cloud service Apple. Moreover, at the presentation of the company announced that third-party applications have full access to iCloud Drive. For some reason, Apple revised the decision remains unclear. It is clear that the fate awaiting Transmit and other file managers for iOS.
Transmit is an excellent mobile version of Mac-client FTP, SFTP, S3, WebDAV, which lets you download, upload and delete files over the Internet, including in the background to manage the rights to create folders. The main features of Transmit for iOS developers allocate a wide range of options, support for Drag & Drop method and a number of unique features for iOS 8.
In October, Apple has removed from the App Store Catalog popular application PCalc, allows you to perform mathematical calculations using the widget in Notification Center. Later, the company changed their minds and returned with all program functionality. In November, the company required the developer to remove from the Neato widget keyboard. In September, Apple has removed from the App Store application Launcher, allows you to create shortcuts for actions in various applications and use them as Notification Center widgets.