Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Steve Jobs back in 1996 predicted the future of the Internet

Apple founder Steve Jobs, long before it became popular services like eBay and Amazon, predicted boom in e-commerce. In 1996, in an interview with Wired, he said that in the future people will buy and sell goods over the Internet.

"Now about 15% of all goods and services in the US are sold through catalogs or television.All this leaves the network. Soon the Internet will sell products to the billions, tens of billions of dollars" - said Jobs. Obviously, he was absolutely right. This year, sales only in the "Cyber ​​Monday" amounted to a record $ 2 billion.
On the question of what will be the "economic landscape" after the Internet to "shoot" for real, Jobs said: "If a network share will account for 10% of sales of goods and services in the country, it will be phenomenal. I think that the percentage would be much higher. " Even then, he was convinced that in the foreseeable future buyers stop going to the shops and will buy everything you need on the Internet.
In an interview with Wired founder of Apple has also shared his thoughts on how the Internet has changed people's lives. His forecast covers a large number of very specific situations, for example, using the Internet to incite revolution. However, he did not believe that people will consider the World Wide Web as a source of information.
"We live in an information economy, but I do not believe that we live in a society of information. People think less than they would cost. Primarily because of television. People read less and less definitely think. Therefore, I do not think that most users will use the Internet to obtain information. We're overwhelmed by it" - said Jobs.