Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Universal announced the start of filming a biopic about Steve Jobs

Universal Pictures has officially announced the start of filming of a new biopic about the former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Film director Danny Boyle removed the scenario Aaron Sorkin (both - the winner of the "Oscar"). The main role performed by Michael Fassbender.

After the refusal of the filming of the movie company Sony Pictures, the rights to produce the film studio has acquired Universal Studios.
The first episodes will be filmed in the biopic legendary garage parental home of Steve Jobs in Los Altos, where he and his friends in 1976 to collect the first batch of computers Apple I. In 2013, the decision of the urban community house was recognized historic landmark.
The crew prepared a garage for the shooting, adding some of the attributes of those years, including a poster of a rock star Bob Dylan and advertising poster coffee makers Braun.
Surprisingly, it turned out difficult to find a leading man - Steve Jobs. As a result, the choice fell on Michael Fassbender, known for the films "12 Years a Slave," "X-Men: First Class." The role of other Jobs, Steve Wozniak perform Seth Rogen, starring in a scandalous "Interview".
The studio also confirmed that the biopic will star Kate Winslet. She got the role of the ex-director of marketing for Macintosh Joanna Hoffman. In addition, the project joined Jeff Daniels, who will turn into the former CEO Apple John Sculley.
Katherine Waterston play ex-girlfriend Jobs Krisenn Brennan, Michael Stahlberg - one of the original developers of Mac Andy Hertzfeld. The role of the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak went to Seth Rogen.
According to the newspaper, in a new film about Jobs half an hour of screen time will be fully consistent with the actual 30 minutes. As explained by Sorkin, the action scenes will take place against the backdrop of upcoming presentations Macintosh, NeXT and iPod.
Filming is an important milestone for the film, the idea of ​​which dates back to 2011, Sony Pictures. Work on the tape repeatedly postponed, she changed the director and the leading actor. In November 2014 the project moved to Universal.