Monday, March 9, 2015

American sank gold iPhone 6 in lava lamps [video]

The latest generation of iPhone destroyed most unusual techniques - from a fall from a height of several kilometers, until the crash test with the use of this tank. Now the author of YouTube-channel TechRax decided to test the iPhone 6 by a lava lamp.

American subjected to execution is not an ordinary iPhone 6, and the modification of the coated 24-carat gold and adorned with crystals Swarovski. She was placed inside a lava lamp, pre-expanded upper part of the luminaire.
Lava lamp - a decorative lamp, which is a glass container with a transparent and translucent paraffin oil, the bottom of which is an incandescent lamp. Lamp warms and illuminates the contents of the cylinder, thus there is a "lava-like" movement of paraffin oil.
iPhone 6, of course, could not resist. Take a look: