Monday, March 9, 2015

Apple closed an online store before the presentation Apple Watch

On the eve of a special event Spring Forward, Apple has stopped servicing the online store Apple Store and posted a warning that conducts its update.

Apple has traditionally stops Apple Online Store to update the product line. This naturally combined with the fact that tonight is expected to premiere new gadgets company.
A key product that Apple will show the presentation on March 9 will be "smart" watch Apple Watch. Their announcement took place in the autumn of last year, but since then no official information about the company did not publish them. At the presentation may be announced new model 12-inch MacBook Air display Retina. These gadgets have to get cabinets white and gold, in addition to the Space Gray.
Another new event can be a big tablet iPad Plus, however, according to insiders, his announcement would be postponed until September of this year. The reason - problems with the supply of displays for the new device. After the presentation of new products Apple may release the final version of iOS 8.2 or call the timing of release of the operating system.Update will bring a new application on the iPhone to communicate with Apple Watch.
In this article, we examined in detail , what other new items can introduce Apple's presentation today.
iPhoneBul will quickly cover the presentation of new "apple" products as part of the March hurrying. Go to the site at 20:00 to find out about new products, which prepared the company from Cupertino!