Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Apple closed vulnerability Freak in iOS, OS X and Apple TV

Apple has released an update to OS X, which increases safety Mac and is recommended for all users of computers. Corrections are also available for iOS and Apple TV. This patch fixes a vulnerability Freak, previously detected computer security experts.

Critical vulnerabilities affecting mobile devices on iOS and computers Mac, it became known in early March. "Hole", named Freak (from Factoring RSA Export Keys), concerns technology web encryption. It allows hackers to spy on communications users of Safari on the Mac.
Apple has once said that are developing "patch" that eliminates the vulnerability. How to write a newspaper The Washington Post, the bug makes users vulnerable when visiting the "hundreds of thousands of sites", including major US state resources as Whitehouse.gov, NSA.gov and FBI.gov. At the moment, no cases Freak-attack has not been fixed yet.
To install the security update for Mac users need to go to Software Update from the main menu, users of the iPhone and iPad - install iOS 8.2, and the owners of set-top boxes Apple TV - go to Settings -> General -> Check for Updates.
Note that a vulnerability that allows a potential attacker to bypass the security protocols, data encryption SSL / TLS, and is present in the operating system Windows. Microsoft has published a notice according to which the gap FREAK really affect the safety of its OS.Previously it was thought that it applies only to Mac and iOS, as well as built-in Android browser.
It is interesting that Microsoft has not yet made a decision on how to react to the incident.