Friday, March 6, 2015

Control mode with one hand Samsung Galaxy moved to iPhone [Video]

Apple iPhone when creating focuses on ergonomics. Smartphones should sit comfortably in the hand, regardless of size. Therefore, for large iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has been developed a special regime Reachability. It allows you to reach the top fields 4,7- and 5,5-inch dual-touch fingerprint Touch ID. Some Android-smartphone has a similar mode, but it works differently.

For larger in bulk "googlephones" ergonomics problem is particularly acute. To this end, for Samsung Galaxy devices and Xiaomi Mi developed zoom function interface. When this mode is enabled, the display image is reduced by half - smartphone desktop is a small box fixed to the left or right side of the screen. On Samsung-phones to activate it is necessary to pass in the menu "Options for single-handed" and tick the appropriate option settings.
Jailbreak developer Mohammed Abu Gabe decided to move the zoom function interface Samsung's platform iOS. His new tweak Shrinkability solves this problem. As conceived by the programmer, the development will replace the standard mode of operation Reachability - double-tap Touch ID scanner will lead to a reduction in the size of the interface iOS. In the settings you can select the zoom percentage.
According to the developer, tweak Shrinkability will be extremely useful for owners of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, moreover for right- and left-handed. Users will be easier to reach with your thumb until all items on the screen: icons, buttons, go back, menu, search settings, etc.
Shrinkability can use only the owners of smartphones with the jailbreak.