Monday, March 23, 2015

Eric Schmidt: rumors of the death Google Glass are greatly exaggerated

Google Glass glasses fell short of expectations, although their formal series product could not be considered, since they are distributed only among the volunteers, even on a commercial basis. To pay $ 1500 for this rather "raw" product is decided only technically "immersion" users, many of the results of the same familiarity with the device turned out to be unhappy.

For those who have yet evaluated the prospects of a wearable device Google Glass, there is good news. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the head of the board of directors of Google, Eric Schmidt said that the company is still actively working to improve the gadget, and called it the development of a "fundamental".
In mid-January, Google announced the decommissioning program Glass Explorer and termination of sales of smart points . "We turned the program Explorer, and press immediately started talking about the fact that we completely stopped the project, which is not true" - said Schmidt. According to the Chairman of the Board, there is no reason to say that the project is closed.
Google Glass were transferred to a new unit under the direction of Tony Fadell, who is considered the father of the iPod and the inventor of the innovative thermostat Nest. He will have to do some serious work. Schmidt said that the Fadell and his team prepare the products for ordinary users, and this takes time. Google considers the suspension of the project period of hibernation Google Glass, a similar delay in the release of Apple Watch, which will appear on the shelves until the end of April.
Currently unknown or dates the emergence of Google Glass 2, or a list of changes. Most likely smart glasses seriously change the appearance, because now they can only wear curious adventurers, ordinary consumers such accessory is not much will like.