Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How much would cost iPhone and Apple Watch, if we only pay for parts

The evaluation cost of components used in popular electronic gadgets, we can conclude that the device is unlikely to be worth the money they are asking for manufacturers. Resource "air "found out how much cost the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch, if we had only paid for their parts.
Сколько бы стоили iPhone и Apple Watch, если бы мы платили только за комплектующие

iPhone 6

The agency IHS iSuppli, which parses the bones gadgets and calculates the cost of the components reported in the autumn of that spare parts and assembly iPhone 6 is approximately one-third of its retail value. From this kind of answer to the question why the iPhone - the most profitable business for the entire corporate history. In the US, the cheapest model without a contract worth $ 650. This retail value, recall, also takes into account the costs of research, development and device software, logistics, marketing and other things that you can not touch it. Interestingly, the parts of the first iPhone was expensive and accounted for about half the price.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - $ 200 (model with 16 GB of memory)
The retail price in the US without a contract - $ 650

iPad Air 2

A little more modest epplovsky cash generator - the last iPad with 16 gigabytes memory in the American store costs almost twice as much than the sum of its parts. Moreover, this gap is even larger (about 2.5 times), when it comes to about 128-gigabyte model with a sim card for $ 830.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - $ 275 (model with 16 GB of memory)
The retail price in the US - $ 500

Nike Fuelband

If you believe pozaproshlogodnih estimates research firm Endeavour Partners, the cost of components and assembly bracelets Nike Fuelband, Fitbit Flex, Jawbone Up24 was 5-6 times less than the 100-150 dollars paid by the buyer. Category wearable electronics is relatively new, and it's probably in the high costs of promotion and accompanying educational program. Hopefully, everything is changing. For example, China's Xiaomi recently began selling its fitness tracker Mi Band for only $ 15.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - $ 25
The retail price in the US - $ 150

Beats Solo2

Among the champions of marginal producer Beats headphones made some quite cosmic heights. And this is another reason why this business for 3 billion bought Apple, no matter what anyone said about the quality of the headphones, their unnatural bass and so on.Detailed reports on the cost of their components could not be found, but in the newspaper The New York Times, referring to other developers headphones, wrote that the production can cost fifteen dollars at the store price of $ 450 for the most expensive models.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - a few tens of dollars
The retail price in the United States on one of the most popular models Solo2 - $ 200

Google Glass

Google release points, which temporarily suspended the test, we should probably recognize a champion of non-existent margins per square centimeter of the consumer appliance. They cost $ 1,500, and, according to IHS iSuppli, their parts treated by Google in 10% of this value. Other ratings were - 5%, for example. Here, however, we must not forget that the final price of the gadget affects so much more, including innovation, Google release the salary of engineers and so on.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - $ 150
The retail price in the US - $ 1500

Apple Watch Edition
Apple watch has not yet been sold, and that there is within them, technological vivisectors do not know, but at least at the expense of their gold model, there is an interesting hypothesis. It is known that the base model Apple Watch will cost $ 350, and the Watch Edition series with the body of 18-carat gold - from 10 to 17 thousand dollars. As recently estimated Forbes, because there is not pure gold, and an alloy of gold, silver and copper with the addition of ceramic chips (to increase the service life) of the body will cost $ 640. We can assume that the cost of the other components of watches is unlikely to exceed, say, well, the cost of iPhone - that is, add another two hundred dollars.
The approximate cost of components and assembly - within $ 1,000
The retail price in the US - more than $ 10,000

PlayStation 4

It is clear that not all gadgets are sold with the added value as the iPhone or most fitness trackers. The classic story - Readers Kindle, Amazon which gives more or less at cost (the cheapest - $ 80), but with the hope that consumers will spend more on books from the store.Another good and probably less well-known example - the console. For instance, the cost of the latest PlayStation only $ 20 lower than the price in the store (at the Xbox One is the same).
The approximate cost of components and assembly - $ 380
The retail price in the US - $ 400